former volume not mounted

Error: former volume not mounted - µTorrent Community Forums.
Error: Former volume not mounted - Troubleshooting - BitTorrent Forums.
Error: Former Volume Not Mounted. - µTorrent Community Forums.
The torrents I am trying to download keep saying this and it wont. This error comes up when you are saving to an external drive whose letter has.
former volume not mounted - µTorrent Community Forums.
Error :Former volume not mounted. What's that problem with newest utorrent? Yesterday, nothing happen with utorrent, but today when i open.
Former Volume not mounted - µTorrent Community Forums.
All of my torrents seeding and downloading all say Error: Former volume not mounted. Can any one help me out. Your advice and suggestions.
µTorrent is a lightweight and efficient BitTorrent client for Windows or Mac with many features.
this problem has just started as of Monday 28 February in that when I try to download a torrent I recive the following error message: Former.
18 déc. 2010. Bonjour, bonjour à tous je ne peux plus télécharger en torrent il me met un message d'erreur " former volume not mounted" j'y comprend rien.
former volume not mounted
Error: Former volume not mounted - µTorrent Community Forums.i resume bit torrent it leaves the message error:former volume not mounted. The external drive could be borking hence the throwing of the not.
former volume not mounted
torrent error states former volume not mounted (Page 1.Error: Former volume not mounted - Troubleshooting - BitTorrent Forums.